模块的半电池配置由10BB PERC电池组装而成,具有更高的功率输出、更好的温度相关性能、减少对能量产生的阴影影响、降低热点风险以及增强的机械负载耐受性等优点。
Assembled with 10BB PERC cells, the half-cell configuration of themodules offers the advantages of higher power output, bettertemperature-dependent performance, reduced shading effect on the energy generation, lower risk of hot spot, as well as enhanced tolerance for mechanical loading.
高级保修/Superior Warranty
12年产品保修/12-year product warranty
25年线性功率输出保修/25-year linear power output warranty
25年内每年退化0.55%/0.55% Annual Degradation Over 25years